Teacher stories matter
Dedicated to sharing teachers' experiences framed within education research.
“Cases are used in many professions, both to prepare novices for their new role and to make available and accessible a body of knowledge. Unlike law and medicine, teaching traditionally has not had a case literature. Educators have not had a mechanism to accumulate the wealth of knowledge that teachers possess. As a result, we leave no legacy to those who follow us.”
-Shulman and Colbert, 1988
The mission of the Teacher Casebook is to be the mechanism called for by Shulman and Colbert. With each case, our contributors define the genre of case report writing in the field of education. For readers, the Teacher Casebook is meant to be a quick-read, free resource for educators looking for help with their practice. For authors, it is meant to be a reflective space where practice and research meet to focus dialectically on narrow topics born from their authentic teaching experience.
Do you have a moment in your teaching career that changed how you teach, approach teaching, or view of education norms and/or policy?
We are currently looking for our next round of case writers, and WE WANT YOU! Send inquires or submissions to teachercasebook@gmail.com.
The Teacher Casebook officially launches in early 2019! With a preview of the first round of teacher case reports expected at the Georgia Council of Teachers of English (GCTE) annual conference, we hope to collect submissions throughout the year an continue this work at national level. Are you an educator wanting to contribute? Look at our submission guidelines or feel free to email us at teachercasebook@gmail.com.