Our first roundtable session that features authors of case reports was at GCTE 2019. Since 1923, GCTE has been Georgia's professional home for English Language Arts teachers from pre-K to university levels. GCTE is the Georgia affiliate of the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE). Membership is open to teachers, administrators, college faculty, education majors, and others interested in the teaching of English Language Arts.
We will be presenting The Teacher Casebook in a panel session at JoLLE's 2019 winter conference (February 2-3). We will run the session as a workshop for participants who may want to contribute a case. From the conference website: "The JoLLE conference is a hands-on and participation-based conference where presenters involve their audiences in the subject, process, and scope of their presentations. This year, we invite teachers, researchers, and students to move beyond conceptual, theoretical, disciplinary, national, cultural, linguistic, social, racial, ability, and gender boundaries, to discuss the embodiments of innovation, affirmation, equity, and liberation. Together, we can propel powerful ideas and actions that can sustain, diversify, and strengthen education and research in the years to come."
Our first roundtable session that features authors of case reports was at GCTE 2019. Since 1923, GCTE has been Georgia's professional home for English Language Arts teachers from pre-K to university levels. GCTE is the Georgia affiliate of the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE). Membership is open to teachers, administrators, college faculty, education majors, and others interested in the teaching of English Language Arts.
GCTE Summer writing conference 2019
In June of 2019 we had the opportunity to bring the Teacher Casebook to a small group of excellent educators in the North Georgia mountains during the first ever GCTE Writing Retreat.
We're hopeful some of the participants will be part of our next round of authors!